Using the Import Wizard - Screen 2

The second Import Wizard screen maps the available fields (from the Available Fields panel) to the corresponding fields in the source file (data source). You will see the fields in the Source File listed in the Fields Mapping pane. Enterprise Shipper (ES) scans the data and maps like or identical fields from the Available Fields panel automatically to the data source for the user. Fields that are automatically mapped will have the field name display above the corresponding field in the data source.

Users will have to map any fields not automatically mapped by the system manually. ES categorizes the available fields for easier browsing and selection. Select a category from the list to view only the fields included in that category using the drop-down provided.

A Shipping Date is required for all import templates! If not defined in the data source, set it as a Default Value or Prompt Value.

To select a field from the Available Fields panel, drag it to the column header of the data source’s corresponding field. Drop the dragged field into the corresponding column header. The field dragged will display in green when the field aligns with the column header). Map all the necessary/desired fields.

Users can also set up the default value of a field entered or applied when creating packages (Carrier, Service Level, Shape, all four can be set by choosing Provider Data which incorporates all of these in one field). Using default values is done by dragging and dropping the desired field from Available Fields into the Default Values panel. A Prompt dialog will display. Depending on the selected field, enter a value for the field or select a value from the drop-down provided. Click OK to close the Prompt dialog.

You can also drag available fields into the Prompt Values panel. When the import runs, the system will prompt the user for a value to populate for the selected field. This option is helpful for fields not being mapped to a field in the data source or import file, such as Shipping Date.

Prompt Values are not used if accessing an ODBC data source.

When ready, click Next to proceed to the next Import Wizard screen.

Continue Using the Import Wizard - Screen 3