Print Scan Form

Clicking Scan Form in the left vertical menu displays the Scan Form screen. This option allows you to create (print) a scan form.

  1. On the Scan Form screen, click Print Scan Form.

  2. The Scan Form Wizard window will appear, select the Carrier Account, enter the Packages Date, and click Next.

  3. A Packages List will appear in the wizard. Select the packages to add to the scan form and click Create Manifest.

  4. A Print screen will appear, select the printer and click Print.

  5. A message will appear indicating the 'Packages to process: ##' and Created manifest for ## labels.' Click Finish.

  6. It will return you to the Manifests list, where a copy of your scan form is saved. Finally, you can close the screen by selecting another option in the vertical menu.

Continue View or Reprint Scan Form (Manifest)