Help > Utility > Database Cleanup

Clicking Database Cleanup displays a pane with Package cleanup, Address cleanup and Clean up Database log WBES. Database Cleanup allows users to delete old package files, unused addresses, and database log files to ensure optimal system performance and manage how easy the application is to use.

Package Cleanup Section

To purge old/unused package data, specify the number of days package data should be kept in the database. Then click Delete old records; it purges records older than this number from the database. After clicking Delete old records, information about the number of packages and any deleted Custom Forms, Manifest, and Pickups will display.

If Delete old records function is disabled, there are no packages older than the number of days set.

ES requires that package data be kept for at least 90 days. Also, the maximum number of days cannot be greater than “120”.

Address Cleanup Section

Suppose there are any unused addresses. You can remove Old/unused addresses from the system in one of two ways: 1) delete selected addresses, or 2) delete all old/unused addresses.

Delete Selected

Clicking Delete Selected will display the Unused Delivery Addresses window that lists all the unused addresses. Mark the addresses to remove, then click Delete Selected.

Like other screens in ES, you can filter columns or group by columns.

A Confirm dialog will display. Click OK to close the dialog and proceed with the deletion.

The Address cleanup pane will update and briefly display the number of addresses available to process, along with the deleted number. Then, an updated 'Found 'x' unused Addresses' will display.

Delete All

If you click Delete All, all unused addresses will be deleted. A Confirm dialog will display. Click OK to close the dialog and proceed with the deletion.

The Address cleanup window will update and display the number of addresses available to process, along with the number deleted.

Clean Up Database Log WBES Section

Window Book strongly recommends that users do not use this function unless directed by a Window Book representative! This option provides the ability to clean up the Database Log files for database and system performance optimization.

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