Defining Job Parameters - Creating Trays and Pallets

1-PASS Prep (1PP) can create non-barcoded tray tags and pallet placards for your commingler’s sort schemes. Physical trays can be 1’, 2’ or EMM trays. Just like a regular presort, when the sort scheme of your mail changes, we will start a new tray. You would produce these trays just as you would USPS sorted trays. There is also an option to create logical trays. This is where we will update the address record with a sort scheme without creating trays. Essentially all pieces in a sort scheme comprise one logical tray. You use this option if you just plan to pack pieces in trays for a sort scheme without trying to follow a tray plan. If you want 1PP to create tray tags with scheme ID’s, you must create physical trays.

Set the Container_Type as either one of the physical tray types or use the value ‘Tray’ for logical trays:

<Container_Type>2-foot Tray</Container_Type>

Container Types Available are:

  • 1-foot Tray

  • 2-foot tray

  • EMM tray

  • or Tray

You can specify the minimum number of tray levels to create a single scheme pallet. You can also specify a maximum number of tray levels and a maximum pallet weight. If you do not have enough mail to create a single scheme pallet that mail will be part of a mixed scheme pallet. For efficient transportation we recommend having a fairly high minimum number of layers for single scheme pallets. Specifying a non-zero max level value turns on palletization.

Set tray layers’ minimum Pallet_Min_Tray_Layers and maximum Pallet_Max_Tray_Layers. If you do not want pallets, set both to 0.


The maximum weight is optional and defaults to 2000 pounds.


When you create trays, you can also update the address record with an end of tray mark you can print on the address block to let the inserter operator know when to start a new tray.

There are two different values for logical and physical trays.


A logical tray minimum can be specified:


If 1PP will be assigning IMbs, a Mailer ID (Piece_MID) must be populated with either a 6 or 9 digit number:


If the Piece_Starting_Serial_Number is left as 0 or is missing from the XML, 1PP will keep track of the serial numbers used by MID.


Continue Defining Job Parameters - Mailing Attributes & File Naming Prefix

See also