Commingling Solutions

As postage rates continue rising, it is critical for mailers to help their Clients minimize postage. 1-PASS Prep (1PP) makes it easy to save money on commingling by taking advantage of the “one-pass” commingling” process offered by some comminglers. With one-pass commingling you must sort mail based on your commingler’s sort schemes. This allows them to bypass the “first pass” sort that divides a mailing into different processing schemes. This saves the commingler a lot of time and money which enables them to charge lower commingle fees.

Also, some comminglers only offer “one pass”, so unless your Company creates an internal program to create a mailing based on their process schemes, these comminglers are not an option. Problem solved - 1PP creates a “commingle” presort. Instead of running a presort twice to determine whether to mail directly or to give to a commingler, 1PP can prepare both USPS presort schemes and a commingler’s process schemes in “one-pass”.

Why run against both schemes? You may or may not want to give the entire mailing to your commingler, since they cannot save additional money on 5-digit. If there is enough volume, it may pay to presort it and present it to the USPS directly. 1PP can figure out which pieces qualify for 5-digit and create a separate output file to run through any presort program.

1PP is a command line program that uses XML parameters to read a CASS™ processed name/address file and outputs one or more name/address files for production. It can accommodate Intelligent Mail Piece Barcodes (IMBs) that are already assigned or assign them for you. 1PP is easy to integrate into most mailers’ on-premise workflows. TrueAddress can be integrated into the process, so address correction and NCOALink can be performed. A limited version of 1PP is also available as part of Window Book’s solution for those who prefer an online version.

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