Adding King to Carrier List

The MCTM function requires each carrier's information to be added to the DAT-MAIL Carrier List. Once the carrier is added to the Carrier List, they need the same information entered for a Distribution Center (consolidation center). Many carriers have multiple distribution centers and might have you ship to different facilities depending on whether the mail is regional or nationwide. However, there is an exception to this rule. You do not need to add Distribution centers for LSC since their API provides this list. Despite the LSC difference, we thought the order of the pages should be adding each carrier, then adding their locations to the Distribution List, and finally going into Program Setup and making updates depending on what carrier or carriers you are using.

  • To add King, select File > Carrier List.

  • The Browse the Carrier File screen will display, click Insert.

  • The Adding a Carrier Record screen will display, shown below in step 4. At a minimum, enter a Code to identify the carrier in the General tab. The code must be unique for each carrier. Then, satisfy any remaining fields in the General tab (not required).

    The carrier’s name, address, city, phone are included on the BOL report if populated.

  • Select the Data Exchange tab. Using the drop-down provided, select SFTP for the Data Exchange Method. Enter the SFTP Site or IP along with the Login and Password (the SFTP site and credentials information received from King Logistics).

    The SFTP site details shown below are for demonstration purposes. King Logistics will need to provide you with this information.

  • The newly entered carrier (in this example, King) will display in the Browse the Carrier File screen. After you add carriers, the next step is to add King and any other carriers to the Distribution Centers.

Continue Adding Distribution Centers - Non-LSC Users

See also