PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Owners (MO) - Setup Guide


The purpose of this Guide is to provide information for registering (creating) a PWN-specific PWN site and completing its basic setup. For instructions on using a registered MO's PWN site, please refer to the PostalWeb® for Mail Owner - User Guide. Registration and login are required.


PWN for MO is a web-based service from Window Book that gives MO a unique view of PostalOne! submissions and automatic delivery of finalized postage-related statements.

Using PWN, MO can subscribe to the automated delivery of finalized PostalOne! postage-related statements containing their underlying data in PDF and XML file formats. MO can subscribe to receive both file types; however, the XML file type allows the MO to import these statement files into their accounting applications.

If you use Enterprise Shipper, you will see the Shipper and Tracking menus are added to your Company's PWN site. Since these menus do not change based on whether you are a MO or a Mail Service Provider (MSP), we will direct you to the MSP version of the setup guide for more information on these two menus. Please see Product Tracking and User Management.

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