CSM - Create Sibling Containers in Mass
You can use a sibling container for overflow, either using a tagger or manually. Or you can use a sibling container, so logical trays have a physical tray. It is unusual to receive an MLOCR mailing without sibling trays. Obtaining the Mail.dat after sorting trays is what you need. We will show the steps for creating siblings for logical or physical trays/sacks on this page.
See CSM - Add, Change, or Delete Sibling Containers for situations where you only need a few siblings.
After you open the job, click the Other Mail.dat Files tab in the Advanced Navigator screen and click on CSM.
The Container Summary File View window opens, and from here, you have a few different options.
Further down, we will show a different job when creating sibling records for logical trays.
Create Siblings for Logical Containers
Create Siblings for Physical Containers
If you need to make adjustments to any siblings or would like to see how to create siblings manually, see CSM - Add, Change, or Delete Sibling Containers.
Import Siblings
If you are using a tagger and wish to import a LOG file with the sibling Intelligent Mail barcodes, you can import the log file by clicking Import Siblings. For information about using the Whittier tagger for Siblings, see Using the DAT-MAIL/Tagger Interface - Use Tagger to Generate Siblings Tags.
Create Siblings for Logical Containers
You can create siblings for logical trays or sacks by first marking all the trays.
Then click Create Siblings Records (Logical Trays/Sacks Only).
An Add Siblings dialog will appear; click OK to continue.
When the Changes Complete dialog appears, click Yes to deselect the containers.
It creates one sibling per logical tray or sack, and the Sibling column shows a Y. If ready to print tags, leave the window open and click
Print Tags.
Create Siblings for Physical Containers
You can create siblings for physical trays or sacks by first marking all your trays or sacks.
Then click Create Siblings Records (Physical Trays/Sacks Only).
The Change Maximum Number of Pieces dialog will appear. Enter the maximum number of pieces that will fit in a tray or sack. And choose the container type for the pieces going into the sibling tray.
Processing could take some time if it is a large job since it queries all the containers to see which fits the maximum piece count set. And you may see a Processing Records status window to show the percentage complete for larger jobs.
When the Changes Complete dialog appears, click Yes to deselect the containers.
The easiest way to see the siblings created is to click on the Piece Count tab and scroll down. Then, look for the Y in the Sibling column.
If ready to print tags, leave the window open and click
Print Tags.
Continue CSM - Print Sibling Containers