Advanced Navigator - File > Split Mail.dat File
Splitting a Job by Containers
Mail.dat files can be split in one of two ways: by individually selecting the containers to be removed; or by specifying the split criteria to be applied and allowing DAT-MAIL to perform the split automatically. Both methods are achieved from the same screen within DAT-MAIL: the Split Utility View screen.
In the Advanced Navigator, go to File menu > Split Mail.dat file
Advanced Navigator File Menu -
The Split Utility View window will appear.
Select either the Job Number or Job Name radio button and then click Add New Job and when the Split - Job Name Entry input box appears, enter the value you want to be populated in this field. Click OK.
If using Auto-Split, see Auto Splitting Mail.dat Files. You do not need to add new jobs. They are added automatically.
More than one job can be added. When adding containers select the new job that the containers will be assigned.
5. The newly added job will appear in the Files will be Split into these Job Names pane. Of course, more jobs can be added, but we will only have one new job in this example.
You can start adding containers to the new job by selecting the appropriate containers and clicking Add Containers.
This is where Tag by Range is very helpful in saving time.
If trays or sacks are on a pallet, when you select only one, a dialog will pop up letting you know that the remaining trays or sacks on that pallet will be selected. Click OK.
Notice that the Piece Count on the new job increases as you add containers, an additional way to validate if the correct containers were selected. If a container was accidentally selected, highlight the container in the Containers in selected Job pane and click Remove a Container.
Once all the containers have been added and categories selected (if applicable), click Process Split.
Depending on the size of the original job, this could take a few seconds to minutes to complete.
The Preparing to split screen will appear; click Yes to create the new job or jobs.
A Splitting files progress window will appear and it will begin the process of splitting the original Mail.dat into one or more jobs; it re-registers the barcodes in the new job; calculates the full-service percentage.
If you used job categories and have the filter on, you may not see the original job.
When completed, the DAT-MAIL screen appears. Go to File > Open Mail.dat.
When the Select Mail.dat File to Open screen appears, either highlight and Select one of the new split jobs to modify or click Close to exit the Select Mail.dat File to Open screen.
Continue Auto Splitting Mail.dat Files