AWAM - Auto Importing QuickFix Files

Suppose you use Postal Web Desktop Dashboard’s (PWDD) QuickFix feature to make corrections to a Mail.dat. In that case, the corrected file must be imported back into DAT-MAIL to incorporate the updated information into the original job. You can automatically import Mail.dat files back into DAT-MAIL by setting up AWAM in one of two ways: using the default DAT-MAIL import profile or creating/using an import profile specific to QuickFix files.

QuickFix Mail.dat files are generated when PostalOne! accepts the submitted file! Therefore, if a Mail.dat is quick fixed and submitted to PostalOne! and fails, a ‘fixed’ Mail.dat can not be generated.

These procedures assume PWDD is installed and being used.

AWAM - Using the Default Import Profile for QuickFix

AWAM - Using an Import Profile Specific to QuickFix Files

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