Update LSC Content - Description

Specific to ‘LSC DropShip/Copal’ and ‘LSC OnePrice' only.

Clicking Update LSC Content launches the Select Mail.dat Files to DIME Batch Assign Reference Info screen, displaying a list of the available jobs.

This screen is used for assigning Content Title IDs to LSC-related jobs. This ID associates customer information from LSC’s system to the job in DAT-MAIL. A Content Title ID refers to a Client Name and Service Type (for example, DropShip, Copal, Commingle, etc.).

Job List Sorts: The displayed job information can be sorted based on the tab selected: by Job Number; by Import Date; by In-Home Delivery Date; by Historical Job ID; and by Job ID.

Filter function: This allows you to apply predefined filters for viewing their job data, and clicking this button displays a Browse Filter List screen where you can either select an existing filter profile or create and select a new profile. The filter image on the screen changes based on whether a filter has been applied (filter applied = , no filter applied =).

Jobs list: A list of all existing jobs. Jobs displayed are dependent on whether a filter has been applied (see number above). The following detail is provided for each job:

Job Number

Import Date

Job Name

Import Time

Total Pieces

Hist. Job ID (Historical Header Job ID)

Est Mail Date (Estimated Mail Date)

File Set Name

Delivery Date

Imported From

Del Window (Delivery Window)  

Pieces Selected: Provides a running total of pieces based on the number of jobs selected.

Mailer Approved/USPS Verified: Color-coding applied to the jobs list for jobs that meet the stated criteria (blue for Mailer Approved or green for USPS Verified).

Assign Reference Info: Tag a job or jobs and click this option. It will display the DIME Batch Job Reference Update screen. This screen is where you can assign a Content Title ID and reference information to jobs (refer to Update LSC Content - Use for instructions).

Continue Send Mail.dat Files to Logistics Company - Description