Reports and Exports - Description & Use

Available for all carriers.

Clicking Reports and Exports displays two options: Pre-Production Report Option and Trailer Exports Option. A description of each report will follow.

Pre-Production Report Option

Selecting Pre-Production Reports launches the Pre-Production Report Parameters screen. This screen allows you to stipulate parameters for pulling/displaying pre-production data, such as by Job ID or List ID, or the data in a range using Postage Mailing Date.

Click OK to run the report once the parameters are selected or entered.


Trailer Exports Option

Selecting Trailer Exports launches the Manage Manifests screen, which displays the list of existing manifests in the system. This screen is also launched from the View Dispatch/Manifest option is clicked from Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM) menu. From this screen, you can export a manifest's information to a CSV file. Refer to View/Dispatch Manifests - Export for instructions, report definitions, and examples.

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