Using the Import Wizard - Screen 4 - Prompt Values Selected

If there are any Prompt Values during the field mapping process in Screen 2, when the 4th Import Wizard screen displays, it will prompt you to select or enter the values for the designated fields. In the example, we set Shipping Date and Weight as prompt values.

Specify the prompted values, then click Import.

In the example above, we entered the weight manually. But, if a scale is connected, a package can be weighed by clicking Read From Scale.

If a scale is not setup then a message will appear below the button indicating that a scale is not set up.

If International Bridge has been selected as the Provider, then the Hold checkbox is available next to the Shipping Date field. For more information on held packages, see International Bridge - Held Packages.

Until the Prompt Values are selected Import is disabled.

Once Import is clicked, the screen will update and display a prompt showing the progress of the import.

When the import process completes, a status screen will display. It provides the batch number assigned to this import, the number of records in the data source (Records to Process), the number of records imported (Records processed), as well as if there are any errors (Processed with errors). Click Finish, and it will return to Screen 1 of the Import Wizard.

Processed with errors means the data successfully imports, but further attention to the record is needed before any additional processing can be completed (specifically, a label created).

You may need to delete the Shipping Date filter to see your new batch if set to a future date.

Continue Using an ODBC Data Source or Using the Export Wizard