Using Software

1-PASS Prep (1PP) is not a typical software system or service as it does not include a User Interface (UI). Clients are required to use the example files provided or create their own, and then use a batch command on the server or computer where 1PP is installed to generate the resulting output file or form. With 1PP, you are able to generate output files in delimited or fixed format.

This procedure assumes 1PP has already been installed/registered and the most current data has been downloaded and is ready for use. In addition, it assumes that the Client is using the default 1PP directories created during the installation process.

To run this program you will need the following:

  • Sort Scheme Definition files for your commingler – there is one XML and one or two CSV files in the ‘Sort_Schemes’ subfolder under the root ‘1PP’ program folder. If we do not already support your commingler, Client Services will assist you in building their schemes.

  • USPS reference data - these are labeling list files updated monthly that are used to help qualify 5D mail if the function to split out addresses to presort. They are located in the ‘USPS_Data’ subfolder under the root ‘1PP’ program folder.

The current version of the labeling lists will be available by the 5th of every month. There will always be the current and previous month of the USPS labeling list files provided on our Window Book Support download page under 1-PASS Prep Labeling List Update. While we recommend using the current, there may be reasons to use the prior month’s list.

  • Input file with CASS certified names and addresses or a list of Intelligent Mail piece barcodes (IMbs) -1PP will need the file name and location of the input file.

  • XML parameter file that defines the input file, output files, job settings- this documentation discusses how this XML parameter file needs to be populated. See Sample Parameter XML File for a sample file.

The installation of 1PP provides a sample XML parameter file called ‘Test_Data_Will_Make_IMBs.xml’ and an input file named ‘Test_Data.csv’. Copy the XML file if you plan to use for live jobs. This XML file will be overwritten whenever a software update is made.

Executing a 1PP job can be done from the command prompt. Input file name and output file names are specified in the XML parameter file that drives the process. A batch file (.bat) can be used to run jobs to prompt users for variable information. Most mailers running 1PP on premise will programmatically modify their parameter files and execute the program as part of an automated process. In the following sections, we will cover job parameters, defining the input file, output file, reports, and tray labels and placards.

These parameters are CASE SENSITIVE, be careful to provide the right case for “true”/”false” parameters.

Continue Command Line to Execute 1-PASS Prep (1PP)

See also