Command Line to Execute 1-PASS Prep (1PP)

The command line calls the parameter file, labeling lists and the commingler sort scheme being used.

Below is the order and format of the command line. Or the command line can be put into a .bat file to save time and/or integrate into existing workflow process.

Presort {XML parameter file name and folder} {USPS_Data XML file name and folder} {Sort_Schemes file name and folder}

Remember to change to the root directory for 1PP, before entering and running the command.

For Windows, either Presort or Presort.exe will work. Here it is shown as ‘Presort.exe’ in the Window’s run command example to emphasize that Presort is the executable.

When sort schemes are created for comminglers, the comminglers name will be abbreviated. For example, Window Book’s sort scheme table is shown as ‘WB_tables.xml’.


Example for Windows

Presort.exe Test_Data_Will_Make_IMBs.xml USPS_Data\USPS_tables_2020_09.xml Sort_Schemes\WB_tables.xml

Example for Linux

.\Presort Test_Data_Will_Make_IMBs.xml USPS_Data/USPS_tables_2020_09.xml Sort_Schemes/WB_tables.xml

Parms.xml should be in the same folder as the Presort.exe program (shown in the example above). The USPS labeling list data are in a subfolder under the 1PP program folder called USPS_Data. The sort scheme data is in a subfolder under the 1PP program folder called Sort_Schemes. More information about subfolders and output file names is shown below.

Continue Defining Job Parameters - Creating Trays and Pallets

See also