Defining Job Parameters - Handling 5-Digit Mail

1-PASS Prep (1PP) can qualify mail to the 5-digit level and put those addresses into the USPS_Split output file which you can presort with any presort program. This allows you to reduce your postage by getting the best possible postage discount on this mail and commingling the rest. There is an additional option to use a load file for Marketing Mail mailers to only include 5 Digit mail that can be entered at specified entry points.

Also, there is an option for 1PP to create 5-digit and 5-digit scheme trays for the commingler, instead of diverting pieces to a Presort. Depending on your agreement, it may mean that the commingler reduces their cost to you.

The USPS_Split_Type controls whether a presort program/commingler split or 1PP creates 5 digit and 5 digit scheme trays for the commingler and all pieces are sent to the commingler:


The four options for USPS_Split_Type are:

All- all qualified 5-digit pieces are split off for normal Presort.

Commingle – build 5-digit trays and all pieces go to the commingler.

None - all pieces are sent to the commingler and trays are created by bin.

Select - only trays in non-origin loads are split off for normal Presort - you must create a load table.

If you choose to split off the 5-digit for Presort, it makes sense that you can set a minimum number of pieces. We believe most mailers will not do want to do this unless there are enough 5-Digit pieces to be worth the extra labor to split the production run. If minimum pieces are not the way you want to determine whether to split, there is ability to use a load file to decide to split based on entry point minimums. See Using Load Files for more information.


Continue Defining Job Parameters - Creating Trays and Pallets

See also