Installing SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

To install the SSMS, perform the following:

  1. Download SSMS either from the Window Book site or from Microsoft. If selecting from our website, here is a link Then click on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2018 (SSMS).

  2. Right-click on the downloaded SSMS installation file and select Run as administrator.

  3. The Welcome screen will display. Click Install.

  4. The Loading Packages screen will display. It will take a few minutes to load all the necessary packages.

  5. When the necessary packages are finished loading and then installing, the Setup Completed screen will display. Click Close.

  6. The Setup Completed screen will close. Next, click Start on the computer, go to the Microsoft SQL Server Tools 18 programs folder and expand it. Then, select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18 to launch the application.

  7. After a couple or more minutes, depending on the speed of your computer, SSMS will launch, and the Connect to Server screen will display. First, ensure the Server name field indicates the name of the SQL Server instance used by Window Book Inc. products. Then, click Connect.

  8. When connected, the ‘Object Explorer’ screen will display the SQL Server instance and its corresponding directories below it. Within the ‘Databases’ directory, the applicable database or databases will be present. For example, for Scheduler, "wbdb" and "wbDbCla will be present. For Enterprise Shipper, the “wbES” database will be present. Seeing the applicable databases confirms that installation was successful, and you can connect to the SQL Server instance.

    For information on the necessary SQL permissions, refer to the Window Book Product Requirements, FAQ page - Insufficient Permissions.

Continue Step 2 - PostalWeb Connector (PWC) Installation Steps

If previously you were on Step 19 in the PostalWeb Connector (PWC) Installation Guide, continue to PostalWeb Connector - Installation Guide - Step 20 to complete the setup of SSMS.