Setup - PMOD Tab - Provider Registration (Required)

Here, we will show you how to access each Provider to register and set up your Test account in DAT-MAIL. Before you can use the PMOD module, at least one Provider needs to be added.

We recommend setting up both a test account and a production account. The test account lets you try the module, adjust settings, and then move to production.

If you intend to use a Zebra printer to print ZPL image formatted labels, the setup of the Zebra printer must occur before the PMOD setup in DAT-MAIL. Only International Bridge supports ZPL.

Here, we will show you how to access each Provider to register and set up your Test account in DAT-MAIL.

  1. Select File > Program Settings > Program Setup from DAT-MAIL's main screen.

  2. When the Setup screen displays, click on the PMOD tab.

  3. In the print screen above and this example, we select the Mode - Test.

    The Test mode is available to practice using PMOD and setting up your labels. When you print PMOD labels, there will be an X through them (PNG format only), and no charges occur.

  4. Select the Provider from the drop-down list. Currently, you have the choice of EasyPost (EP), International Bridge (IB) or Pitney Bowes (PB).

  5. Click Browse to create a new account. Since each Provider is different, the remaining steps will be split for the three providers - EP, IB, and PB.


Setup - PMOD Tab - Add EasyPost (EP)

Setup - PMOD Tab - Add International Bridge (IB)

Setup - PMOD Tab - Add Pitney Bowes (PB)