Registering Your PostalWeb (PWN) Site

PWN is a web-based service from Window Book. It provides Mail Service Providers (MSPs) and Mail Owners (MOs) a unique view of their successful and failed PostalOne! submissions for each of their CRID-specific locations via a Company-specific, web-based URL. Accessible via computers, tablets, and mobile applications, PostalWeb works with PWDD, PostalWeb Connector (PWC), and DAT-MAIL, providing valuable tools to increase productivity and add savings. For example, with PostalWeb, a mailer’s statements and confirmation pages can be delivered to them in PDF and XML file formats. Additional utilities that work with PWN, such as DAT-PreCheck (DPC) and YourScore (YS) intend to help mailers improve their quality control and build defenses against assessments for full service and seamless scorecard errors.

For more information about PWN, refer to the PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Owners (MO) - Setup Guide or PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Service Providers (MSP) - Setup Guide.

Using PostalWeb requires registering/creating a Company-specific URL or PWN site. This process falls under the ‘Installation Scenarios’ B and D documented in the Component Installation Sequence. Therefore, if you intend to use PWN, the registration/creation of your Company-specific PWN site should be the first step in the installation process for your PWDD solution.

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