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A category is intended to represent a particular production phase or scenario that impacts what should happen to a Mail.dat. Mailers often have to handle different types of jobs differently. They also sometimes have very distinct phases within their job workflow where different things must be done with the Mail.dat. In some cases, the Mail.dats should never be upload to the PostalOne! MDR Client PROD environment (for example, test jobs or jobs that are being sent to a commingler).

What are Job Categories?

A category is intended to represent a particular production phase or scenario that impacts what should happen to a Mail.dat. Clients can assign Mail.dats to different job categories in DAT-MAIL. Categories help manage different jobs and job phases and prevent Mail.dat files from going to where they should not be submitted.

A set of standard categories is provided in DAT-MAIL for all Clients; however, additional categories can also be created as needed. A category consists of a category name or description and a default PostalOne! environment (PROD, PREPROD, TEM, and CAT). The default PostalOne! environment can be changed by the user if needed.

Below is the list of standard categories provided in DAT-MAIL, along with supporting information for each:

Estimate Only: An example would be for jobs the mailer is using to create estimates. If the job gets mailed, the mailer will change the job category’s PostalOne! environment to PREPROD or PROD. The default PostalOne! environment is TEM.

None: This is the default setting for the Categories function. No category was assigned.

Pre-Production: An example would be a production phase where data processing staff will perform entry optimization and set shipping dates before the mail starts production. When these processes are complete, the category will change to ‘Production.’ In the Pre-Production category, mailers should not send original Mail.dat files to PostalOne! since the default environment is PREPROD. Therefore, if a mailer’s process is to upload original files after import automatically, the mailer must change the default PostalOne! environment to PROD.

Production: This category represents when the mail production has started, and the mailing office needs to manage payment and logistics with DAT-MAIL. The job list in DAT-MAIL can be set to only display jobs in the Production category, which will remove the clutter from the job list, making it easier to manage. The default PostalOne! environment is PROD.

Send to commingle: An example would be when a mailer plans to outsource the entire job to commingle. These jobs must never reach Postalone! PROD, but it is okay to send them to TEM, the category’s default PostalOne! environment.

Test: Example would be for jobs that the mailer is testing but will never be mailed. The default PostalOne! environment is TEM.

DAT-MAIL's Job Category feature can be used to help manage both different types of jobs and job phases and prevent Mail.dats from going to where they should not be submitted.

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