DAT-MAIL - Utilities > Merge Mail.dat Files

So why would a mailer merge Mail.dats? There are several reasons, but we will discuss two common reasons to merge files.

First, the USPS does not want to receive multiple Mail.dat files when running multiple presorts for a mailing with the same piece characteristics, permit, and Mail Owner. For example, you have a postcard, and it's the same size and weight, but your customer has you spray on different messages depending on where an addressee lives. For example, if someone is in Dallas, TX, you spray on the store's address in Dallas and their sale dates.

Second, you plan to perform an internal copalletization, so you need to merge the Mail.dats that will be copalletized. In this situation, you are planning to create a copalletized job because the jobs on their own are too small to create pallets or do not have enough volume to drop ship.

We also cover using AWAM to merge Mail.dats. For more information, see AWAM - Merge Profiles. For more information on the Scheduler merge plug-in, see Mail.dat Merger Plug-In.

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