PMOD - Reports

DAT-MAIL’s PMOD module provides various reports that will assist your Production department by instructing them on building PMOD shipments and assist the USPS clerk when doing verification. In addition, there is a report that displays information on voided shipments, overall PMOD activity, and a document that will provide the estimate detail for shipments.

The availability and content of reports may differ if a shipment was created from a Mail.dat or created manually. Examples of the available reports are provided and listed by the name identified in DAT-MAIL.

You must present PMOD mail to a BMEU or DMU, and, unlike other 'ePostage' shipments, they cannot be accepted by a retail unit. But unlike conventional e-VS shipments, mail clerks cannot see these shipments on the e-VS dashboard. International Bridge shipments are approved for acceptance without local verification or manifest documentation. Mailings made on International Bridge’s e-VS/ePostage permit will also not need local USPS approvals. The contents of PMOD boxes ARE subject to verification, however. You will need to enclose and provide statements, including a production report generated from the PMOD module, to your mail clerk to verify the contents. For shipments created from Mail.dat, the “Open and Distribute Production Report” should be used. If you do not insert the trays or sacks going into the PMOD sack for shipments made manually, you will need to present the “Postage Detail (voids not included)” report. Also, provide information on the contents since it is not available in DAT-MAIL.

Available Reports and instructions to run