Settings > Optional Settings

The items located under Optional Settings are Box Lookup, Rate Shopping Profiles, Reference Bar, Flags Management, Address Validation Settings, and ODBC Connect Settings.

This category is settings for optional features in the system. Settings programmed or activated in this category are global if more than one Enterprise Shipper (ES) application is installed in a single location using the same SQL Server instance or data source. If an existing setting changes on one machine, the change will carry over to all computers using the same data source.

Box Lookup: Users can create barcodes that identify specific box types available for shipping. Boxes can be actual boxes or different kinds of envelopes.

Rate Shopping: If you are using EasyPost, you can create rate shopping profiles to apply when creating a new package, making the creation process faster while selecting the best available rate or meeting a delivery window.

Reference Bar: The Create Package screen contains a Reference Bar that includes search options used to search for previously created or imported shipment information simplifying/speeding up the package creation process. You can manually perform values searches or use a hand-held scanner to scan barcodes or other shipment-related information. Up to four search fields can display in the Reference Bar located immediately below the selected Provider Account, depending on what you set up as the defaults. The four available search options are Order No, Invoice No, Box No, and Reference No.

Fields in the Reference Bar can also be used to search an outside data source that ES is linked to using ODBC Connect (refer to Using an ODBC Data Source for more information).

Flags Management: This feature can map a user field to take action, such as a group change or mailing the packages on a different date. You define the flags here.

Address Validation Settings: This is a feature to turn on Window Book’s TrueAddress engine for validating addresses versus using one of the Providers. TrueAddress provides deliverability scores, so you will know when it is unlikely that a package will be delivered.

ODBC Connect Settings: Access tables outside ES where data, such as orders, are stored.

Continue Settings > Optional Settings > Box Lookup

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