Resending Confirmation Message

During the registration (creation) of a PWN site, entering a confirmation code is necessary to complete the registration process. The confirmation code is sent to the registrant in one of two ways: via email; or text message to a mobile phone. How the confirmation code is sent is decided in Step 1 - Site Registration - User Information of the registration process.

In some instances, the confirmation code's message is not received by the registrant. If this occurs, the registrant can request the confirmation message be sent again. Below are instructions for re-sending a confirmation message via each delivery method.

E-Mail Method

At the end of Step 1 - Site Registration - Finalize, after Register has been clicked, if an email was the method specified for sending the confirmation message in Step 1 - Site Registration - User Information, the MSP Registration screen will display. This screen informs the user that the confirmation was sent via email and provides the used email address.

Suppose the message containing the confirmation code was not received. In that case, the registrant can have the message sent again by clicking the Resend Email link located at the bottom center of the MSP Registration page. When the Resend Email link is clicked, the email address used in the first attempt is displayed. This same email can be used a second time or changed if desired. Finally, click Send to resend the confirmation email.

If the email message is still not found, it is possible it is being blocked. In this case, the origin of the email, ‘’, should be added to the recipient’s email white-list to allow the email to be delivered. Alternatively, after clicking the Resend Email link, enter a different destination email address, then click Send to attempt to send the email to a different, unblocked address.

Only three attempts to resend the confirmation message or code are allowed. If the three attempts are exceeded, contact Window Book Support. See Contact Us.

Once the confirmation message with the code is received, refer to Step 1 - Site Registration - Completing Registration - Email Method.

Mobile Phone Method

At the end of Step 1 - Site Registration - Finalize, after Register has been clicked, if the ‘Use Mobile Phone to send Confirmation’ checkbox was selected for sending the confirmation message in Step 1 - Site Registration, the MSP Registration page will display; specifically, the Enter Confirmation Code section. This screen is where the confirmation code sent to the registrant's mobile device should be entered to complete the registration process. Suppose the message containing the confirmation code was not received. In that case, the registrant can have the message sent again to a mobile device or via email by clicking the link for the desired method located at the bottom center of this page.

Resend Code Option

When the Resend Code link is clicked, the screen updates to display the mobile phone number initially used for the first attempt. At this point, the registrant can click Send to send the confirmation message to the same phone number a second time or enter a different phone number to send it to.

Only three attempts to resend the confirmation message or code are allowed. If the three attempts are exceeded, contact Window Book Support. See Contact Us.

Once the confirmation code is received, refer to Step 1 - Site Registration - Completing Registration - Mobile Phone Method.

Resend Email Option

When the Send Email link is clicked, the screen updates so that the registrant can enter an email address to send a message with the confirmation code. Click Send to send the confirmation message containing the code. After receiving the confirmation code, it must be entered on the Enter Confirmation Code page. This email will also include a link that can be clicked on to complete the registration process. Refer to Step 1 - Site Registration - Completing Registration).

Using either method will complete the registration process.