Purchase Labels

Information to note when purchasing labels:

There is a 30-day window to use purchased labels. However, holding a package circumvents the 30-day limit (refer to International Bridge - Held Packages for more information).
If e-VS is not used, label purchases are immediately charged when using IB, even if packages are on hold.
Labels purchased for held packages will not contain a postmark date.
Postmark dates on labels are only required for PC Postage. Postmark dates on labels are not necessary for e-VS or ePostage.

When labels are purchased, the package is assigned a Tracking Number. Having a Tracking Number is necessary for tracking package status (including voided packages) and location using the PostalWeb Tracking Report or the Provider's website. Also, a Tracking Number is required to add packages to a manifest (refer to View or Reprint Scan Form (Manifest) for more information).

There are multiple ways to purchase labels in Enterprise Shipper (ES):

Purchase Method 1

  • Mark the packages in the Packages screen and click Purchase Labels.

  • A Confirm dialog will display.

  • If the ship date is correct, click OK.

  • To change the Shipping Date for the labels, select the Change Shipping Date checkbox. If checked, the Confirm dialog will expand and provide a calendar for choosing a new Shipping Date. Click OK to continue with the purchase.

  • The screen will update to reflect the purchase is in process.

  • When the purchase is complete, a Process finished dialog will display. Click OK to close the dialog.

  • The Package List will refresh and the packages with newly purchased labels will display at the top of the list with a status of ‘Label Purchased’ (the line item will be green).

If any required field is missing, the label will not be purchased and in the Process finished dialog it will indicate an 'Error count'.

Purchase Method 2

From within a package’s details screen (Create Package screen) a label can be purchased:

  • Click Create New Package, in the bottom toolbar.

  • After populating the package detail, then the label can be purchased.

    If it is an an existing package mark it in the Packages screen and then select Open Selected Package

  • In both cases, above, within a package’s details, select the option to Save and purchase label or Save, purchase and print label and then click Process.

  • When the purchase is complete, the details screen will close, and the user will be returned to the Packages screen. This will display at the top of the list with a status of Label Purchased (the line item will be green or orange (if selected Save, purchase and print label).

Purchase Method 3

When importing data from an external file. Refer to Using the Import Wizard - Screen 3 for more information. Select the Purchase labels checkbox in the Import Wizard screen.

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