Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel

You may not have all of these features (functions) available. It depends on what version of DAT-MAIL and additional registered modules are included with DAT-MAIL Editor. For example, with Editor, instead of Planalyzer, you will see Quick Plan. And if you do not have the Palletization module, instead of Palletize, you will see View Pallets. We will cover each of the functions on the following pages.

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Check for Pending Actions

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Planalyzer or Quick Plan

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Palletization Module or View Pallets

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Apply Mass Update

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - AWAM Post-Import Process

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Scan IMTL Codes

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Export to Tagger

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Generate Siblings

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Import Siblings

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Downgrade to Basic Service

Advanced Navigator - Vertical Panel - Convert Job to Logical


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