Advanced Navigator - Palletization - Pallet View

This view is helpful when you are troubleshooting an issue with a pallet or creating sibling pallets. For example, suppose your piece attributes are very different from what was initially reported to presort, and you now have to create sibling containers across your job. In that case, you will probably need to create sibling pallets too. Also, it can be used to split pallets when you run into a situation where the trays or sacks on the pallet will end up mailing on different days.

Select a MID that will only be used in DAT-MAIL to avoid duplicating pallet barcodes with your presort software if creating sibling pallets.

Pallets must be split or siblings created before the job is uploaded to PostalOne!

  • Within DAT-MAIL, launch the Advanced Navigator by selecting a job from the Jobs List.

  • In the Advanced Navigator, click Pallet View located in the vertical panel on the right side of the screen.

  • The Mother Pallet View screen will display.

  • Highlight a pallet and in the bottom pane, you can see any trays or sacks on this pallet.

See also

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