Settings > Required Settings > Provider Accounts

Until you set up the necessary/required information in the Settings and Addresses screen, the Settings or Addresses screen will display by default every time the ES application launches.

To view/manage existing provider/carrier accounts or add new accounts, click Provider Accounts in the Settings > Required Settings screen.

Each provider offers both TEST and PROD accounts, which allows one to become comfortable with the software before going live. Also, you can use the Test accounts at any time. Likewise, at any time, you can switch from the TEST to PROD mode. See Settings > Workstation Settings > Switch Mode (Test or Production Mode) for more information. Which mode the workstation is in shows at the top of ES. For example, in the image below, ES is in Test Mode.

In the ES - User Guide, there will be more details about payment platforms and carriers provided. For a summary of each provider, see the Payment-Related Detail table.

For all providers, these are the minimum steps:

  • In ES, register a test and production account for each provider. You do not need to set up all providers, just the ones you need.

  • Register on the provider's website. Some of this is documented in the guide, not step by step, since a provider registration process and web page design may change. Below, in Adding a Provider Account, there is a summary of what information you need for each provider. And then on these pages - EasyPost - Add Account; International Bridge - Add Account; and Pitney Bowes - Add Account, it shows how to obtain the information you need to register and add these providers to ES successfully.

  • In ES, come up with a descriptive name to enter in the Provider Account Name. Why? You could have several accounts set up for your customers.

Adding a Provider Account

  • All providers, enter a Provider Account Name. Window Book recommends entering a name that will clearly identify what/who the provider account pertains to, for example “EP_Test_WB”. This account name identifies the provider as EasyPost; it is a test account specific to Window Book. Why the last item? You may have customers who have a separate provider account.

  • For International Bridge, ES needs the Login Email and Password used to register your International Bridge account.

  • For EasyPost, ES needs the API Key.

  • For Pitney Bowes, ES needs the Merchant Account ID.

Once you complete the registration of providers and add them to ES, then continue to Settings > Required Settings > General.