Disclaimer: This document is intended for internal support use this guide at your own risk.
PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™(PWDD) - Setup Guide
The purpose of this Guide is to provide setup instructions and information about the following:
How the PostalWeb Suite connects and utilizes PostalWeb (PWN)
How to enable PWDD in DAT-MAIL
How to update the existing software components of the PWDD software system
For instructions on how to use PWDD, refer to the PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™ - User Guide. For first-time installation instructions, refer to the Window Book Automation Scheduler™(Scheduler), PostalWeb Connector™(PWC), & DAT-MAIL™- Installation Guide if you have licensed Scheduler and DAT-MAIL. If you licensed the PostalWeb Suite without DAT-MAIL, see the PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Owners (MO) - Setup Guide or PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Service Providers (MSP) - Setup Guide, PostalWeb Connector™(PWC) - Installation Guide and the PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™(PWDD) - Installation Guide.
PWDD provides the following:
QuickFix: A function that assists the user by allowing them to correct PostalOne! validation errors on the fly, and immediately resubmit the corrected or ‘fixed’ files to PostalOne!. In addition, QuickFix enables the user to fix failed files using error logs to guide them through the process.
A Statement Viewer A separate module launched from within PWDD that allows users to view, print, save, and send their USPS-generated documents (i.e., confirmation and registration pages, finalized statements, UPDs, etc.), right from their Desktop. As soon as the statements become available, specific document types (such as finalized statements) can auto-print to a particular printer, such as one located in an accounting department. A Client-registered PWN site is required to activate the Statement Viewer.
PWDD requires the use of Window Book’s PostalWeb Connector (PWC). It is an essential component of any PWDD solution and is responsible for the following:
Enabling automatic transfers of Mail.dat files to be uploaded to PostalOne!.
It is updating the MS-SQL database with all the information in files that are uploaded.
It stages the files that need to wait for PostalOne! processes to complete before the next time updates on that job are to be uploaded.
It allows for email notifications to Client-managed recipients containing a Submissions Summary Report that provides a snapshot of different events that have taken place for job submissions by MDR Client type.
It can send email notifications to Client-managed distribution lists of PostalOne! receipt and log events. Also, warnings that will not fail a job could negatively impact mailings, scorecards, and other performance measurement criteria used by the USPS, if left neglected.
AWAM enables the automatic transfer of QuickFix edited files back to DAT-MAIL (if applicable).
PWC provides automatic downloads of the USPS MDR Client software when the USPS releases updates.
You can limit the editing capabilities of individual users/operators within PWDD.
Enabling communication between PostalOne! and a Client’s PostalWeb site for a specific location to view Location-specific PostalOne! events on their PostalWeb site.
Enable the transfer and delivery of a Client’s various PostalOne! statements in PDF and XML formats, including customizing the download location and name and the file names of the downloaded statements.
Easily access pertinent log files for troubleshooting purposes.
Adjust the number of simultaneous upload processes the system will perform to optimize performance.
Easily maintain various logs and database sizes that could impact system performance if left unchecked.
The setup and configuration of the PWC functions described above depend on what components of a PWDD software solution (such as PWN or DAT-MAIL) are installed and used.
PWDD works with or without Window Book’s DAT-MAIL software. So companies that do not have DAT-MAIL will get tremendous benefit from this specialized Mail.dat editor, but those that do have DAT-MAIL will also enjoy these benefits in addition to what DAT-MAIL already provides. This Guide provides configuration instructions for both environments and instructions on how to update the existing software.