Example Workflows

LSC Dropship/Copal User

The following is an example of the workflow for LSC DropShip/Copal:

The following example workflow assumes that the DAT-MAIL setup for the LSC DropShip/Copal function has already been completed.

  • From DAT-MAIL’s main screen, select Logistics > Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting(MCTM).

  • The MCTM menu will display.

  • Click Update LSC Content and assign Content Title ID and the required reference and date information to selected jobs. Refer to Update LSC Content - Use for more information.

  • After the Content Title ID and reference information are assigned, in the MCTM menu, click Assign Pallets to Manifests.

  • Select the desired pallets and click Assign CFID to assign a Carrier and Consolidation Facility to the tagged pallets. See Assign Pallets to Manifests - Assign CFID for more information.

    If an LTL carrier is being used, you must select the “LTL” distribution center record.

  • Click Select Manifest. Highlight an existing manifest from the list or create a new manifest and click Select. If creating a new manifest, see View/Dispatch Manifests - Create Manifest for more information.

  • You will be returned to the pallet list with the manifest selected (the manifest number will be displayed in the screen’s title bar). The pallet list will be filtered based on the carrier, trailer type, and CFID associated with the manifest. Only the pallets matching the filter criteria will display in the list. Select the pallets and click BOL.

    Consolidation Centers: The Carrier and CFID must match.

    LTL Trailers: The Carriers must match.

    Origin Trailer: The Carrier and CFID must match, and the pallets must be origin entry.
    Direct Trailers: The Carrier must match, and the pallets must have an entry point that matches one of the stops.
    Commingle Trailers: The Carrier and CFID must match, and the pallets must be flagged as commingled. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do that outside of LSC’s OnePrice program, but a method will be introduced in DAT-MAIL in a future release.

    If a Warning! displays notifying the user that a date discrepancy between a pallet and the manifest exists, click OK to resolve the dialog. Then, update the tagged pallets’ problem date using the Assign Pallets to Manifests - Dates/Orders.

    Using the Dates/Orders will change the pallet date(s). In addition, the dates will be changed in the Mail.dat file(s); however, if postage has already been paid, PostalOne! will not receive these changes. With the same pallets selected, press the BOL again.
  • A screen will display listing the communication results between DAT-MAIL and DIME. Click Close to continue.

    If an error is returned in the communication between DAT-MAIL and DIME, the corresponding log file will display in the window on the screen. Click View Selected File to view the contents of the log file. A ticket for Window Book's Technical Support Team can be created automatically by clicking Open a Ticket. The log file will automatically be attached to expedite the troubleshooting process. Click Submit to create the ticket. The ticket status and further communications with Window Book can be managed from Window Book's Support Portal.

    Refer to the information provided under Assign Pallets to Manifests - Check Pallet Status (LSC Only) for a more comprehensive set of instructions on opening a ticket.

  • The Browse Pallet Database screen will update, and the tagged pallets will have the manifest number assigned to them.

  • At this point, click Select Manifest to launch the Manage Manifests screen, from which you can print a BOL for a specific manifest or export information from a specific manifest to CSV file.

  • When the trailer is ready, email LSC.

ALG, King, and Other Carriers Added (assuming SFTP setup is complete):

Please ask your carrier in what situations they need you to send a Mail.dat file from MCTM. We do know that King always needs them sent.

  • From DAT-MAIL’s main screen, select Logistics > Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting(MCTM).

  • The MCTM menu will display.

  • For King, click Send Mail.dats to Files to Logistics Company. See Send Mail.dat Files to Logistics Company - Use for more information.

    If ALG, skip to the next step - you should have already created your order in their system. For any new carriers you add, please ask whether you will send them the Mail.dat via SFTP or if they have a portal where you upload the job.

  • Select the desired pallets and click Assign CFID to assign a Carrier and Consolidation Facility to the tagged pallets. See Assign Pallets to Manifests - Assign CFID for more information.

  • Click Select Manifest. Highlight an existing manifest from the list or create a new manifest and click Select. If creating a new manifest, click Create Manifest. See View/Dispatch Manifests - Create Manifest for more information. Click OK, when finished.

  • You will be returned to the pallet list with the manifest selected (the manifest number will be displayed in the screen’s title bar). The pallet list will be filtered based on the carrier, trailer type, and CFID associated with the manifest. Only the pallets matching the filter criteria will display in the list. Select the pallets and click BOL.

  • A screen will display listing the communication results between DAT-MAIL and the carrier. Click Close to continue.

  • The Browse Pallet Database screen will update, and the tagged pallets will have the manifest number assigned to them.

  • At this point, click Select Manifest to launch the Manage Manifests screen, from which you can print a BOL for a specific manifest or export information from a specific manifest to CSV file.

  • When the truck is ready to leave in the Manage Manifests screen, highlight the manifest and click Dispatch Truck.

    The Manage Manifests screen can be accessed from the MCTM menu option Assign Pallets to Manifest or View/Dispatch Manifests. For more information on dispatching a truck, see View/Dispatch Manifests - Dispatch Truck.