Browse Menu List

When clicked, Browse expands to display further options related to wbSCAN.

Mail.dat Files: This provides a list of the Mail.dat Files that are in DAT-MAIL. See Browse > Mail.dat Files.

Manifests: This lists the manifests that were created either in DAT-MAIL's Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM) or wbSCAN. See Browse > Manifests.

Scan Log: Provides a list of all pallets that were scanned. It also shows any deleted trays or spoiled pieces, when wbSCAN is used to perform this actions. See Browse > Scan Log.

Locations: Locations are intended to track pallets throughout the production process. Locations can be a physical area like a rack area or shop floor staging area, or even something like a printing function. See Browse > Locations.

Categories: Categories are used to group locations so it is easier to organize scan data. For the Mailer who has 1,000 different location codes representing different shelf locations in the warehouse, those locations could be assigned to a Category called Warehouse. See Browse > Categories.

Report Groups: Also sometimes referred to as Function or Function Codes – are used for group Categories on the Production Dashboard and for Reporting. See Browse > Report Groups.

View Dashboard:The dashboard allows Mailers to monitor the production status of their active jobs. See Browse > View Dashboard.

Exceptions: Provides the ability for QA to check a pallet and note an issue with the pallet. Each Company can create a list of exceptions that best suit their environment. See Browse > Exceptions

Tag Printer Profiles: It is a list of available printer profiles, you can access. See Browse > Tag Printer Profiles or Tag Format Profiles.

Tag Format Profiles: It is a list of available tag format profiles available. See Browse > Tag Printer Profiles or Tag Format Profiles.

Dashboard Settings: It allows customization of the production dashboard and the ability to set the Dashboard as the first screen users see when logging on to wbSCAN. See Browse > Dashboard Settings.

Scan2Pay Settings: Ability to set what type of pallet scan triggers the Scan2Pay function. See Browse > Scan2Pay Settings.

Enterprise Settings Allows your Company to set which mailing facility is visible (this functionality is only available to our Enterprise DAT-MAIL registered customers). See Browse > Enterprise Settings.

Print Settings: This is where a user can select which printer and also tag format profile to use. See Browse > Print Settings.

See also