Advanced Navigator - View Menu

Most of these views can be found directly in the Advanced Navigator screen without going to the View menu, but we provide the same options in this menu when you are unsure where it is. In addition, the links below the View menu will provide the first page where each menu item is covered.

Advanced Navigator View Menu

Qualification View - Qualification View - Change View and Filter

Component File (cpt) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - CPT - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Component Characteristics File (ccr) - Advanced Navigator - Edit or Add USPS Promotion/Fee

Container Quantity File (cqt) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - CPT - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Container Summary File (csm) -Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - CSM - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Original Container Identification File (oci) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - UPA and OCI

Mail Piece Unit File (mpu) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - MPU - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Package Quantity File (pqt) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - PQT - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Piece Detail File (pdr) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - PDR - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Un-coded Parcel Address File - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - UPA and OCI

Extra Piece Detail File (epd) - Advanced Navigator - Extra Piece Detail File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Piece Barcode File (pbc) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - PBC - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Special Fees File (sfr) - Advanced Navigator - Special Fees File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Special Barcode File (sfb) - Advanced Navigator - Special Barcode File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Postage Adjustment File (par) - Advanced Navigator - Postage Adjustment File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Seed Name File (snr) - Advanced Navigator - Seed Name File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Segment File (seg) - Advanced Navigator - Edit SEG

Walk Sequence File (wsr) - Advanced Navigator - Walk Sequence File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Referenceable Mail Summary File (rms) - Advanced Navigator - Referenceable Mail Summary File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Referenceable Mail File (rmr) - Advanced Navigator - Referenceable Mail File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Referenceable Mail Barcode File (rmb) - Advanced Navigator - Referenceable Mail Barcode File View - Menus and Icon Bar

Change Weights - Advanced Navigator View - Edit Piece Weight

Entry View - Entry View - Option Buttons

Mail Schedule View - Advanced Navigator - Other Views - Mail Schedule View

Mother Pallet View - Advanced Navigator - Mother Pallet View - Menus and Icon Bar

Transportation View - Advanced Navigator - Other Views - Transportation View

Siblings View - Advanced Navigator - Siblings View - Menus and Icon Bar

Floating Batch Manifest - Advanced Navigator - Other Views - Manifest View

Release Mail - Advanced Navigator - Release Mail - Menus

File Info (hdr) - Advanced Navigator - Other Mail.dat Files - HDR - View Menus and Icon Bar Description

Job/Mailer Information - Advanced Navigator - Job Information

Advanced Navigator View - Advanced Navigator View - Described

Continue Advanced Navigator - Reports Menu